Straight to action, Horny Hardcore show or a gentle, ease you into things, encouraging Goddess. My Hairy Pussy is a warm welcome and my intelligent, educated wit makes me fun to play with cerebrally or physically :D
What Turns Me On
I am naturally Dominant as a person, do not refer to me as 'Good Girl' or expect me to be submissive. You don't have to be submissive to me, but I wont be submissive to you either ;D
Easy going, fun people who enjoy being led into their dick draining!
What I do best
I am naturally Dominant as a person, do not refer to me as 'Good Girl' or expect me to be submissive. You don't have to be submissive to me, but I wont be submissive to you either ;D Published Fetish Porn Star and 2 decades in the adult industry